Old Dogs, Old Tricks
Edmund went away for a long weekend, which meant I was on livestock duty and also that the animals weren’t on their best behavior. On Friday I was drinking my...
Garth Brown |
Edmund went away for a long weekend, which meant I was on livestock duty and also that the animals weren’t on their best behavior. On Friday I was drinking my...
Garth Brown |
For breakfast I ate (what else?) rutabagas with ground beef and sage. I find it interesting that I am still able to enjoy these simple ingredients so much even entering...
Garth Brown |
Before Christmas - before I began this whole experiment - I went shopping prior to a snow storm. Less than a foot was called for, but the roads would be...
Garth Brown |
Don't worry, I'm not resorting to small game as a major source of sustenance. If I were, I'd be gearing up to quit in a few days when I hit...
Garth Brown |
I have stumbled upon a gray area in our rules that I did not account for at the outset. Last night I received a gift of a big tub of...
Garth Brown |
Despite the title of this post, no, I didn't go so far as to require all my food be cooked by wood. Modern stoves are convenient and time-saving and believe...
Garth Brown |
In a previous post I mentioned that I don’t think I’m particularly prone to anthropomorphizing the livestock. While I do think they have states that vary, I doubt very much...
Garth Brown |
The background carrots are straight out the root cellar, the foreground guy has been washed. Washing before storing tends to shorten the shelf life of roots. Carrots are a staple...
Garth Brown |
Before beginning this blog post, I recommend you sit down. You might think that what we’re doing - growing all our own food for a year - is kind of...
Garth Brown |
This may just be the keystone to the home-grown food arch I'm living right now. I've grown a lot of produce in other years, but storage has always been less...
Garth Brown |
The picture above is bibimbap, or the closest I could come with the limited ingredients available to me. Real bibimbap would have rice as a base instead of rutabagas, and...
Garth Brown |
When I was in college I had a room to myself in a suite of sorts. Feeling kind of lonely I decided to get a pet, so stupidly I went...
Garth Brown |
Our pigs live in a hoop made of bent chain link fence pipe and billboard tarps, sleeping beneath advertisements for bourbon and health care providers on a bed of wood...
Garth Brown |
Ed outlined the rules by which we will determine allowable foods, but there’s one caveat large enough to warrant its own post. Last summer, while we were ironing out the...
Garth Brown |