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  • How to Identify Ultra-Processed Foods

    How to Identify Ultra-Processed Foods

    If you’re like me, the term ultra-processed food (UPF) evokes images of chips coated in cheese dust so incandescently orange that each is a small sun, too bright to gaze...

    Garth Brown |

  • Our Cardboard World

    Our Cardboard World

    The boxes I use come from a plant out to the west, somewhere near Buffalo. Ordering them is always a thrill. “Send me 1000 fourteen inch cube boxes at your...

    Garth Brown |

  • Gratitude vs. Thanksgiving

    Gratitude vs. Thanksgiving

    Gratitude journals are fairly thick on the ground these days. Try to find a solution to most any problem, from raising an adolescent to an obsession with chocolate chip cookies...

    Garth Brown |

  • Lab Grown Meat and a Path Forward

    Lab Grown Meat and a Path Forward

    On this blog I often take an interesting piece of news or commentary as a jumping off point. When it’s news — such as my post on porcine protein being...

    Garth Brown |

  • Walmart Wants to be Regenerative

    Walmart Wants to be Regenerative

    Walmart would have you believe that it is all in on sustainable agriculture. It’s already the largest seller of organic groceries in the country, and it generously supports research into...

    Garth Brown |

  • Anger, Hope, and Seed Saving

    Anger, Hope, and Seed Saving

    Believe it or not, I sometimes think this is the best time in history to be a farmer. I don't mean economically - in most places it's harder than ever...

    Garth Brown |

  • Missing Frosts

    Missing Frosts

    A few years back we had a frost hard enough to kill the squash on August 31st. Never mind that the rest of September was warm and sunny, with hardly...

    Garth Brown |

  • Boyhood


    “Do you think you cut a diamond with a tool or with a laser?” my son asked a few days ago. “A tool,” I replied. “Yes, because a laser is...

    Garth Brown |