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Garth Brown |

Two months ago I wrote a post about our pigs' feeding protocol and the possibility that it would result in a healthier balance of fats than that found in the average hog. While I settled on marketing my meat as "Cairncrest Farm Pork", I am interested enough in the topic that I sprang for a fat analysis from an official lab. I've been eating a lot of pork recently since I'm about out of beef and don't have a steer going to slaughter until next month. I am curious partly for my own well being since I don't want to overdo the pork thing if will have negative long-term repercussions.

I've been waiting for weeks for the results to come back, and now it looks like I got the wrong test. I hope to get it sorted out in the next day or two... and get type of analysis I'm interested in.

The above tells me information that I already knew - lard is predominantly monounsaturated fat. Last time I checked olive oil was supposedly good for me...


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